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Folks, your friends at Red Door Realty are ECSTATIC to PARTNER once again, with the London Food Bank at the Great Canadian Superstore to present London’s EPIC 2022 SUPER “BOWL” FOOD DRIVE! Let’s show our care by giving SUPER BOWLFUL’S of FOOD!
We’ll be bringing our RED DOOR–RED JACKET–SUPER “BOWL” TEAM including our MASTER MARKETING MASCOT, Al Paca! ‘Al’ promises to DANCE UP a storm while entertaining kids from 2 to 102! Friends, even though the SUPER “BOWL” FOOD DRIVE is hugely significant, we still plan to have a ‘flat out’ good ole time. You got to come and join us!
My friends given the magnitude, of the FOOD BANK’S ‘NEED’, your Red Door Team is coming to you once again, asking for your warm hearted generosity! In London, there are malnourished kids and hungry seniors who need us to step up. We really have to give what we can! We must support these folks through this crippling economic time! People are becoming impoverished by global inflation’s insidious effects! It’s true! We can’t ignore it!
No one knows this better than Jane Roy and the good people at the London Food Bank! Day by day, they do their utmost, to serve those who have fallen through the cracks. At Red Door we’ve been amazed at the Food Banks heroic efforts. The Food Bank’s Volunteer Staff consistently goes above and beyond to help thousands of hungry people. Now, they need our ‘backing’ to REFILL their shelves! If we don’t shore up the Food Bank, then many people who live in ‘dire straits’ will continue to suffer. The gospel truth is that this is just unacceptable!
The fact is, that many of us, in our personal lives, and in our business lives too, are feeling the economic pinch. No doubt some of you know this to be true! Still, for those of us who are able, let us tighten our belts a little more and give to those who live without options!
Please imagine this! What if you and your family didn’t have a budget to stretch! Suppose at month’s end your choice was to pay the rent or buy baby formula? That’s the decision some of our neighbours are faced with. What do you do? Well, you buy the baby formula; right?
So, please come and join us at the SUPER “BOWL”! Bring your kids! Bring your cell phones! Have your picture taken with our SUPER BOWL MASCOT—Al PACA! We simply ask that you HAVE A FUN TIME–buy a few dollars’ worth of non-perishable foods to fill A CEREAL “BOWL” OR A SOUP “BOWL” OR A PASTA “BOWL” SO A KID—OR–A GRANDMOTHER CAN EAT! If everyone gives a little—we can help a lot!!
Here’s hoping we see you on Saturday June 11th at the Great Canadian Superstore, Oxford & Gammage from 12:00-4:00 PM. REMEMBER!
Red Door—will get done—what we need—to get done!